Exclusive Review: Performance Evaluation of Google Gemma Model on Nvidia Jetson Platform

2024-02-22 source:MIIVII News Center


Dear friends, Google is making waves again, have you all heard about it?

Here comes the exclusive review from MIIVII~

Following the long token support of Gemini Ultra 1.0 to challenge OpenAI, yesterday they introduced Gemma to kick Meta.

Look at this data, even a 7b model outperformed the 13b Llama-2. It has opened up a whole new realm of possibilities.

Who wouldn't want an intelligent Jarvis by their side like Iron Man? Therefore, MIIVII swiftly conducted a comprehensive evaluation on the entire Jetson Orin series platform.


PART/1 About Google Gemma Model

As we push the boundaries of artificial intelligence, new technological breakthroughs continue to drive the industry forward.

Google DeepMind and other teams at Google, as one of the leaders, have recently introduced the Gemma model—a lightweight and advanced language model aimed at ushering in a new era of AI.

The Gemma model leverages the same research and technology that created the previously acclaimed Gemini model. It has been optimized not only in model design but also offers new possibilities in functionality and application scope.

The name Gemma is inspired by the Latin word for "gemstone," symbolizing its precious value and versatility in the field of artificial intelligence.

The Gemma model series includes two model sizes: Gemma 2B and Gemma 7B, both pretrained and fine-tuned to adapt to various application scenarios. This multi-size strategy caters to devices with different computational requirements and provides flexibility for developers of all kinds.

PART/2 Performance Evaluation Results


The Gemma model has demonstrated impressive performance on the Jetson platform.

The 2B model achieves a speed of 60 tokens/s on a 32GB EVO. The 7B model on the EVO Orin also reaches a speed of 21 tokens/s.

On the other hand, the Apex Orin NX and EVO ONO can only run the 2B model at speeds of 26 tokens/s and 21 tokens/s, respectively.

At first glance, these speeds may not seem remarkable, but considering the performance of the 7B model, it is indeed quite impressive.


Seeing the future

The outstanding performance of the Gemma model on the Jetson platform not only demonstrates its capabilities as an advanced language model but also showcases the powerful potential of the Jetson platform in supporting complex AI models.

It not only provides strong evidence for the practical application of the Gemma model but also opens up possibilities for deploying complex AI models in more edge computing scenarios in the future.

Imagine a scenario where your intelligent voice assistant no longer simply responds to commands but can understand complex instructions and queries, even ambiguous expressions. For example, when you say to your smart speaker, "I feel a bit cold," the Gemma model can understand that this is not just a description of your state but a signal that action needs to be taken. It can then adjust the smart thermostat to raise the room temperature slightly while asking if you would like a hot drink or an extra blanket.

In the kitchen, smart devices integrated with Gemma can provide customized cooking suggestions. It can not only offer recipes based on the ingredients you have but also adjust the recipes based on your taste preferences, nutritional needs, and even recent health data. When you say, "I feel like eating something healthy today, I have eggs and broccoli at home," Gemma can immediately provide a series of healthy recipes based on eggs and broccoli and guide you through the cooking process.

The exclusive evaluation "Google Gemma Model Performance on Nvidia Jetson Platform" not only showcases the powerful capabilities of the Gemma model but also proves the wide applicability and foresight of the Jetson platform in the field of AI. We believe that with the continuous advancement of technology, more AI models like Gemma will demonstrate remarkable performance on the Jetson platform, bringing revolutionary changes to various industries.

We invite global tech developers, researchers, and industry partners to explore the potential of the Gemma model and the Nvidia Jetson platform, collectively driving the development and application of artificial intelligence technology. Let's work together to usher in a new chapter of AI technology and create a better future.